Nina and I just came back from an ultra short trip to her hometown Paris. Time was very limited but I managed to sneak a travel outfit into the suitcase just before we left 😉 Predator season had just reopened so the few hours I had, i jumped on the metro and hit a nearby canal in search for a Perch, Pike or Zander. As it was my first time ever fishing this beautiful city, a little walk along the canal to check out conditions was essential before rigging up, the very clear water indicated to me that targeting Zander would be a night time job, so I concentrated on crocs and spikeys! A medium sized hardbait was my first lure of choice to cover as much of the unknown canal as possible and see in which areas fish are active. A few small Perch follows and a lost micro jack showed me there was some fish around, so I continued to walk down the canal, enjoying the city on the look out for promising spots. Whilst fishing towards a schoal of perch I just couldn't get bites from, a gentleman approached me I knew I had seen before somewhere! After a brief chat we found out we know each other from social media and it turned out i had just run into one of the Godfathers of Streetfishing, Fred from Frenchtouch fishing who was just having a look at his home canal during his lunch break! What are the chances! After a quick chat and coffee in his nearby office he provided me with some local knowledge about the canal to help me bag my first Paris predator, thanks again and good meeting you! With a new spot in mind, Nina and I hopped onto the bus and soon arrived at a basin which included a little marina and few nice structures to have a cast at. I quickly rigged up a little paddle tail and started casting, in a little marina i knew there would be a better fish hiding in the cover and after a few precise casts my lure got slammed on the first drop right next to a moored boat, a nice scrap in the clear water and the French Pike was ready for a quick picture and release. Goal "first Paris fish" achieved!
To get a license for fishing in Paris click here:
To see Fred's website for only high quality products click here:
Tight lines out there!